
Package A: Quick Nutritional Consultation

This is a short nutritional counselling. Choose this package if already have your diagnosis, and you just want to know what natural options are there to help you to manage that condition. The package will consists of: 

  • An initial intake session. This session includes getting to know you and your health, lifestyle, food habits, medical history better to understand the health concerns you have and your health goal.
  • I will provide you with an easy-to-follow protocol that includes, nutritional plan, best foods for that condition, lifestyle change tips and supplements. 
  • You will be  in contact with me as needed for a month

Package B: In-Depth Nutritional Consultations

Do you have a health condition?!
Do you know that many of the health conditions can be minimized, managed or healed by a nutritional plan, diet, healthy lifestyle and taking specific supplements. 

    The In- Depth nutritional counselling consists of:

    • Initial meeting: This is the initial intake session. This session includes getting to know about your health, lifestyle, food habits, medical history, health complaints and goals. This session is very important to get to know each other, and to get to dig deeply into the root- cause of your health complaints.
    • Second meeting: This session will provide you with an easy-to-follow protocol that includes: nutritional plan, best foods for your health condition, lifestyle change tips and supplements
    • Third session (follow-up): How is the protocol going on with you? This session allows us to work on any questions, challenges or barriers you face, adjusting the protocol, assessing the improvement and following up with healing the root-cause of your health complaint.
    • Session 4 (follow-up) : To adjust your protocol and follow up with the healing plan

    Why do I need multiple sessions?

    We do have some basic principles to follow while providing a nutritional plan protocol. It goes step by step. For example, if someone has gas and bloating, there will be many things to assess and cover like introducing a clean diet, eliminate allergens, stress management, support digestion, parasites cleansing, candida cleansing, introducing probiotics, improving sluggish gallbladder, healing a leaky gut, looking for malsbsorption,etc.. It is a process that needs time. It can not be taken all at once.
    Does everyone need all these steps?! Not everyone, it depends on your health complaints, and the nutritional assessment usually identify the areas of imbalance that needs to work on them.

    How long does the In-Depth nutritional counselling takes?

    Usually it takes between 3-6 months, where you will be in contact with me as needed

    Package C: Nutritional Assessment 

    Do you need to supplement with vitamins? do you need to get more protein, Omega-3, or a specific mineral or amino acid? To know the answer, what supplements are good to take? take the nutritional assessment

      What is the nutritional assessment and how does it work?

      Food provides our body with the macro and micronutrients

      Macronutrients (Macro means big), include Carbohydrate, protein, and fat

      Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals. Food provides us also with fiber, bioflavonoids, antioxidants, enzymes, energy, and much more.

      How would you know if a nutrient is imbalanced in your body? Blood work does that many times, but blood tests are not practically available for many of these vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Symptoms give an alert. Every symptom can be traced to an imbalance in the body. The nutrition assessment tool will pinpoint areas of imbalance as they relate to vitamins and mineral sacrifice

      The nutritional assessment is a questionnaire, you will be asked about different symptoms and the degree that these symptoms apply to you. An intake form about your medical history and lifestyle is also needed to be filled out, Then I will interpret your answers to point into the imbalanced nutrients.

      What will I get by taking the assessment?

      You will get 3 sets of questionnaires and a basic intake form about your medical history, lifestyle, and food journal, You will need to answer, and send them back to me. I will interpret them, then schedule a meeting and provide you with a chart that includes areas of imbalance, food, supplements, and lifestyle recommendations. You will know about deficient nutrients in your body. What foods are rich in this nutrient, and what supplements are recommended to balance it.

      It is a very nice tool. It is backed up with science and research data

      Which nutrients are assessed?

      The nutrition assessment consists of 3 parts of questionnaires

      Part 1

      Nutritional assessment: to identify areas of imbalance on the following nutrients:

      ( water, calcium, chromium, iodine, manganese, iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, selenium, sulphur, Vitamin A, Vit B1,Vit B2, Vit B3, Vit B5, Vit B6, Vit B12, Folic Acid, Biotin, Choline, Vit E, Vit C, Vit D, essential fatty acids, CoQ10, and proteins

      Part 2

      This assessment is intended to identify body system imbalances like hormonal imbalance, sluggish or excited adrenals, sluggish or excited thyroid, excess or low stomach acid, candida, parasites, sensitivities, nervous system, pineal, kidney/bladder and liver /gallbladder

      Part 3

      This assessment helps in identifying some possible toxic chemicals. It is just a guideline. It is not proposed to be used for diagnosis or treatment purposes. eg excess sodium, chlorine, excess caffeine, nicotine intolerance.

      How much does it cost?

      Please refer to the rates page for details

      The nutritional assessment costs (C $139)

      Copyright © Be Fine & Fit 2021. All rights reserved.

      Copyright © Be Fine & Fit 2021. All rights reserved.